Yikes, a month of work just to put a couple of new web pages together? Sure I’ve done a lot of other things in that time, but somehow 20-odd web pages seem to have consumed the better part of December and January to date. Fortunately I just finished the actual editing and now it’s off to the web designer to make magic and turn my layouts into actual web pages. Hopefully this will be done in a couple of weeks (or less if I’m lucky).

The major reason for the big update (it’s a complete overhaul actually)? We finished 2008 with 48 SKUs – 48 different items that you could buy from us. We started 2009 with about 150. And we’ll have another 75 coming as soon as possible.

The quick scoop is that our Enhancement Brake Hoods are now available in two distinct compounds – one that is the same we have been using for the last half of 2008 and is know as “Original” (in the red packaging) and a brand new compound that has been tested throughout the winter by some very good cross racers which we call SoftGrip (blue packaging). The name is fairly explanitory – it is about 25% softer and about 90% tackier than our Original compound. 

Based on our test subjects, you could guess who it’s intended for – people riding in bad weather and with bad road conditions (and of course ‘crossers). Anyone looking for a bit of extra cushion up front might like to give them a try as well.

In addition to the new materials, we are offering three new colors – clear, light blue, and a pale purple – as well as updating our Roubaix Red with a richer tone.

And if that wasn’t enough, we’re also in production on our new Hi-Tech Cable Donutz. Offered in the same 14 colors that our Hudz come in, these are possibly the most over-analyzed cable donuts on the market. We think they’re sweet.

So look for our new site, new products, and new logo schwag all coming shortly…